Trash pick up is included in the monthly fee paid by owners. It is for regular household trash placed in the dumpsters in various locations around Hiland Hills. There is one recycle dumpster in the parking area near the Clubhouse.
Items that are not okay to leave in common area, near or in dumpsters are TV sets or other electronic devices. These items are not okay per Colorado State Statutes. TV Sets and other electronic devices must be taken to a proper disposal site.
Each owner or resident is responsible for disposing of their old electronic devices at a proper disposal site. Some sites accept devices at no charge, some have a fee.
When left in common area or in the dumpster, the Association can be charged a substantial fine. This reduces the amount of money available for repairs, on-going maintenance and slows progress on roof replacements and roadway repairs.
If you see someone dumping a TV or electronic device, report it to the office. 720 941-6344
Electronic Device Recycling - Some Free, Some $25