In our rules and regulations it states that the home owners in the community must seek the Board of Directors approval for architectural changes. Below is a list of some of the items you would need to seek the Board's approval for.
How to obtain Approval:Before you schedule work or installation please follow the guidelines for approval. All requests are decided at the monthly Board meeting. If it is an emergency such as broken window or broken furnace then your request will be decided as quickly as possible. You can submit your request in person or by writing to the Board of Directors. All request must have the necessary supporting documents listed below. Here is a general list of information the Board will need to approve your request:
Monthly meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month. Written request may be submitted to: [email protected] You can download a copy of the waiver, instructions and informations sheet on the forms page. The Board of Directors and the Management team is here to help you stay within the guidelines of our community, so please feel free to ask questions. |